Health and Fitness
1200 Calories Diet Plan Every Woman Want To Know About It!
Consuming fewer calories is the most essential necessity for an effective weight loss plan. The 1200 calorie diet is designed specifically for weight loss by limiting the intake to 1200 calories per day. The foremost goal is to burn more calories than what you consume. The number of calories burnt by the body depends on various factors such as height, weight and gender.
On an average a human body burns around 1500 calories in women and 2000 calories in men. In fact, 1200 calories is the minimum number of calories which is consumed in a day (required amount) and still a person remains healthy. Consuming fewer than 1200 calories can result in a number of side effects, eventually causing you to gain more weight rather than lose it.
So it is crucial to choose or plan the 1200 Calorie diet carefully according to your taste and body mass index. So here is the low calorie diet that is less in carbohydrates and high in nutrients such as fiber and protein.
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