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13 Free Apps That Are Better Than A Gym Membership 13 Free Apps That Are Better Than A Gym Membership


13 Free Apps That Are Better Than A Gym Membership



13 Free Apps That Are Better Than A Gym Membership


This is the ultimate app for people who want a lot of direction — or don’t want to spend hours at the gym. Nike Training Club creates a comprehensive four-week plan based on your fitness level and goals. Workouts are targeted toward getting leaner, stronger, or more toned and range from 15 to 45 minutes. If you hate running (or are injured), you can even choose to eliminate running from your program.

A voiceover guides you through the workout, and you can double check your form by playing the video that comes with each exercise. I love using AirPlay on my iPhone to beam the exercises to my TV. If you have an Android phone and a Chromecast, you can stream videos to your TV as well.



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