5 Things To Wear On Your Arm Or Wrist For That Added Swag
So, you’ve exhausted the wardrobe of cool outfits and all the makeup you can possibly slather onto your visage. How else then, can you add that bit of swag to your look? Necklaces or any form of neck accessory is probably passé unless you’re talking about neck-elongating chokers, so why not pay some attention to your arms and wrists instead? Anyhow, as the saying goes, you wear your heart on your sleeve.
Charm Bracelets
The domain of excellence of the likes of Tiffany and co., charm bracelets are almost exclusively worn by younger females. There is unlimited variation for this type of bracelet. Charms range from the monopoly-token-like trinkets, to extremely personal charms that record life events. Started by the quixotic Queen Victoria, charm bracelets, by definition can be made out of almost anything, including the locks of hair of a dead loved one. Recently, there has been a surging trend in wearing glass beads as charms as well. Some claim that these bracelets increase your luck, though a few people have been known to have died while wearing their charm bracelets. It may be possible that they would have otherwise suffered more painful deaths though.
Rolex Watch
The Rolex is an instant level-up for prestige and of course, swag. Be forewarned though; these precious mechanisms do not come cheap. With even entry-level models retailing for at least a few thousand bucks, the Rolex is the undisputed king of the watch world. With a Rolex on your wrist, each time you turn to it to check the time, your social status rises by one level as the world oohs and aahs at your glimmering timepiece. Do remember that for the Rolex to wield maximum swag, it is of paramount importance that your clothes be of a similar price range – wearing thrift store rags with your Rolex will only result in being put in a very precarious social position.
Hippy Armbands
Armbands are the go-to accessory if you want to show off your rebellious/peace-loving/vegetarian side. These simple rings of rubber convey important messages – be it peace, love or floral aspirations, the armband signifies your commitment and passion for a cause. Multiple armbands may or may not add to your swag level, but take care not to wear armbands that support conflicting causes at the same time – that is instant social suicide. Also note that hippy armbands do not go particularly well with branded luxury apparel and bags.
This type of arm candy is generally unique and exclusive. While you may be able to obtain another copy of that limited edition Rolex, it is usually impossible to get a clone of someone’s boyfriend. Extreme caution is advised in such situations. There is no particular prescribed way to wear these one-of-a-kind accessories, but most people manage to find a way that suits them willy-nilly. Some people prefer to rotate these on a regular basis, whereas others choose to keep them for life, in which case the value of said arm candy usually tends to depreciate (Appreciation is possible in rare cases though.) These accessories require a great deal of time and attention to maintain; cases in which said accessories get up and walk away are not entirely unheard of.
Not everyone is lucky enough to get their hands on one, but the luminous eyes and enticingly curled tail of this creature make it more than arm-worthy. If you happen to have one, it looks best perched on the shoulder, with its tail curled slightly about your arm. Color combinations vary, though some may opine that the monochrome ring-tailed lemur is the most attractive of all. When wearing one of these, take care not to provoke your accessory, lest its wrath cause you irreversible damage. Lemurs have strong claws and fast reflexes. Do not worry about the lemur falling off; usually they manage to stay in place throughout the night, unless of course food is involved.
Chad Faith, the cheeky blogger, is unable to get hold of any of the above and will have to make do with a replica Rolex for now!
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