
Apps to Improve Your Life Style



One’s personality is reflected in the life style one leads. We all always try to improve our lifestyle and personality as it turns out to be the key to the lock of one’s happiness. In today’s world lifestyle and happiness is to some extent related to all these new technologies and gadgets that are available in the market. There are applications that help you to improve your lifestyle from cooking to learning exercises, even from shopping to keeping your accounts.

Listed below are the 10 latest apps that would not only be helpful but also would improve your lifestyle to a large extent.

Shop savvy

This app would allow you to scan the bar code of the item you want to buy and would also compare the price from different retailers online and thus storefronts. This is an android app and is available to every android device.


This application is a calendar based application; it has several parts such as appointments where you will be able to store them. It also contains to do list and reminders and you can even create and store your grocery list. It has an alarm which would inform you about any events or appointments you have stored. This app is available for iPad, iPhone and even android.


This application allows its users to establish a link and check their savings, all investments accounts at the same place, credit cards. You can even manage and budget your money. This application is web, android and iPhone based.


By the very name you can understand that this is a stress management app. it helps you to reduce stress through exercises, motivational statements and conformations. This app is only available for iPhone.


This app helps you to locate anything from restaurants to theaters to stores. This app takes help of your phone group to perform its job. This is an iPhone based app.


This app is for iPhone uses only. It would allow to you to use Google talk. From truphone you can Skype other people absolutely free.

Ping chat

This is one of the most popular among apps; through this app you will be able to talk to all your friends at one place such as a chat room. Your friends and even you can text, send messages to your friends and even send videos in one location. This app is free but only for iPhone.


This is the perfect answer to all your fitness related questions. You would find all types of exercises if you are beginners or you want to check out intermediate routine or all advanced level workouts. This app gives you instructions; you can customize your own workout routines.


When we are thinking about fitness we cannot miss out on what kind of diet chart we need to follow. This app is related to diet, it counts calories by tracking you food intake in every meal and even fluid intake. Here you can set your goal weight and this app would calculate and fix a diet chart for you, based on the goal you want to achieve and your current condition.


This is an app which would allow you to create your own station and different categories of music. Pandora also arranges music according to the taste of the user.

Author Bio:

This post is by Sachin. He is a full time writer and a blogger. He loves to write on technology and all related topics. He has also written many guest posts for gadget blog. If you are a tech lover then you will surely find this post interesting and useful.


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