Health and Fitness

One Exercise to End ‘Lower Belly Pooch’, Even better, It’s really only stretching!




That bulge located on the lower tummy or “Pooch” as it’s called is a problem for a lot of women.  I know having kids and getting older are some of the contributing factors but why do they cause it and how can we get rid of or minimize it.  After the birth of my daughter 4 years ago I worked really hard to get back in shape and reached my goal weight only 5 months after she was born.   I was so happy to finally have a flat tummy once again.   I had low body fat and great definition in my upper abs but as the months passed I noticed a pooch slowly developing.  I was doing the same workouts I had always done but developed this problem anyway.  If you have a pooch and think doing a lot of sit ups and leg raises will prevent or get rid of it…..think again.  There is more to abs than just the superficial six-pack and it’s what you don’t see that plays a more important role in flattening the tummy.  You probably have never seen and probably want see anyone doing this exercise in the gym but I think it’s the most important…..especially for woman.  This has done wonders for me so I wanted to share this to help other woman that might have the same problem.

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